……………………”I STAND WITH UKRAINE…..even when I’m sitting down having breakfast!”…..They were attacked by Russia…unprovoked, and Ukraine deserves to be supported as we did when Germany attacked free nations……It seems to me that when the US government backed Ukraine against the aggressor, Russia, news of the war was on all of the major networks every day…..However, now that Trump has decided not to support Ukraine in any way….not even with intelligence, there seems to be a blackout of news of the war on TV……It certainly seems to me that news has been diminished greatly, as if the war doesn’t exist…….Do you feel the same way or is it just my imagination?
My feeling was that if Trump were elected, this would be the last free election in this country. I also believe that it’s just a matter of time and we will have only state-run media.
Much respect to you, Louis!
Agree completely with you Louis. I don’t usually post a comment but you always echo my thoughts and concerns with our present situation
A great idea to wear the colors!
Amen, Louis. And you wear the Ukrainian colors well.
Louis, I really don’t watch much TV news….it’s too depressing, but I do watch PBS Newshour. They do seem to give coverage of what’s happening in Ukraine. Think the media is in fear of retribution by the powers that be in our country. Also, the news is bombarded by the “antics” of the day! Bezos has taken the Washington Post down….once a reliable source. Seems like it is getting more and more like Germany in the 1930″s. : ( Thanks for your thoughts.